Local ISSA, ISC2, CSA and other Chapter Participation

The Local Chapter Participation Badge is a validation of your expertise in the security field, grounded in the topics covered in our quarterly events. Each badge bears the date, reflecting your knowledge and participation in specific chapter events coordinated with Security Institute. We are not in competition with any certification program.  Chapter event Badges are all free. 


The Chapter Participation Badge is designed for local ISSA, ISC2, CSA chapters to assess their members on security information and leadership skills. It focuses on the ability of the participants to retain and comprehend complex subjects presented by security experts during local chapter events.


The Chapter Participation Badge is open to members of local security professional organization chapters who actively participate in chapter events. Eligibility for this badge is contingent on attendance and participation in these events and coordination with a local chapter and Security Institute.

Study Materials

  • Questions and topics presented by security experts at local chapter events.

Elevate Your Security Expertise with the Chapter Participation Badge

The Chapter Participation Badge is your ultimate tool to evaluate members’ grasp of security information and leadership abilities. It emphasizes the collective participation of chapter members in local events.
At chapter meetings and events, expert speakers present on complex security subjects. Members actively engage by answering questions pertinent to these presentations, and the collective answers are displayed anonymously on-screen during these sessions.

Join Us

Don’t wait! Take the step toward cybersecurity excellence today. The Chapter Participation Badge is your pathway to mastering the dynamic field of security. Join us now to unlock your potential.